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Tagebuch Beast1983
2006-04-17 03:01
I miss you
I'm thinking of you.
Are you thinking of me?
I'm missing you tonight.
Are you missing me too?

I'm so lonely without you.
I wonder are you?
Wishing you by my side.
Do you wish it too?

This vast distance,
The miles between us,
Drives me crazy.
Baby, are you crazy too?

My love stretches,
All these miles to you.
Can you feel the love,
I give to you?

I miss you like crazy,
I'm so incomplete,
I crawl into bed,
Then cry myself to sleep.

Wishing you were here,
Trying not to shed a tear,
Wanting to hold you near,
I lie awake at night,
Wondering what you're dreaming?

Being so far away,
On this drab and boring day,
My thoughts turn to you,
Trying to get through,
Without being blue.

Are you thinking of me?
Are our minds on the same thing?
These feelings inside,
So new, yet so tender.
Looking at your picture,
At least I can remember.

Time has no mercy!
Or it would bring you to me.
It would make the days fly,
The nights disappear,
And I wouldn't be sitting here
Missing you, dear.

Oh to hold you in my arms once more!
That is all I'm asking for.
To feel your sweet lips on mine,
To snuggle into your embrace,
To see your wondrous eyes,
To touch your handsome face.

But that's not possible you see
With you so far away from me.
I will lie awake at night,
Till dawn's morning light.

No words I write can ever say,
How much I miss you everyday.
As time goes by the loneliness grows,
How I miss you... nobody knows.

I think of you in silence,
I often speak your name.
But all I have are memories,
And a photo in a frame.

No one knows my sorrow,
No one sees me weep.
But the love I have for you,
Is in my heart and mine to keep.

I never stopped loving you,
I don't think I ever will.
Deep inside my heart,
You are with me still.

Heartaches in this world are many,
But mine is worse than any.
My heart still aches as I whisper low,
"I need you... and miss you so."

The things we feel so deeply,
Are often the hardest things to say.
But I just can't keep quite anymore,
So I'll tell you anyway.

There is a place in my heart,
That no one can fill.
I love you... and I always will.



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2006-04-17 03:01