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2010-12-28 21:15
Zeit ist vergangen. Nicht nur eine Stunde oder ein Tag. Sondern mehrere Tage, Monate, ja sogar mehr als ein Jahr.
Dein letzter Eintrag "Prolongation", though it no longer is. Everything is set now, not carved in stone, but nonetheless somehow final.
You've finished your studies and have job that is more demanding than expected. Perhaps it's too demanding, right now you are not sure, but thinking.
You like the money, the influence and power, but sometimes the thoughts come up, whether influence, money and power is what you want right now or in general? You are no longer 21, but 23. Two years make a difference, but do they change the attitude towards life? Do they change everything? Somehow it seems so... You are no longer the same person or you are the same, but living a different life?
Well, there is one thing that hasn't changed - your fling for Andreas. Turned out it wasn't just a fling, but love. A lifetime, lifelong love? Well, that you don't know, but you are happy and content with the present situation. If just, you had a little bit more time for your love. Life would be just perfect, wouldn't it?


01:34 29.12.2010
Welch freudige ueberraschung von dir zu hoeren, konnte es garnicht glauben
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23:50 28.12.2010
ja hallo schön, dass du mal wieder "laut" über dich nachdenkst, in der 2. person ja, so geht manches leichter
alsdann, tell me more, tell me more, tell me more
von gestern, heute, morgen
auf jeden fall dir ein gutes neues jahr! natürlich möglichst auch happy, aber das "gute" beinhaltet dann doch etwas mehr als die angelsächsische version
Good luck!
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2010-12-28 21:15