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2015-12-19 12:29
I have everything I wanted - but I wanted all the wrong things.
How to find love? By getting to know yourself, I guess.

So what are my core values? What makes me happy? What are my emotional needs?

I'd like to say honesty, but I am not sure if honesty is a super important core value for me and I am well aware that for a lot of people it is THE core value. However I'd like to be honest here, this is one of the places where I can be honest and so I think it is safe to say, that honesty is no core value for me. I like smart people and sometimes being smart can mean not to be a 100% honest. Sometimes you have to sugarcoat, sometimes you have to be evasive, sometimes honesty just hurts too much and some people simply don't want to hear the honest answer. Hell, sometimes I don't want to hear the honest answer! I don't want people to tell me I look tired, also I haven't slept for a couple of days… Please sugarcoat or be evasive!

Being genuine and true on the other hand is something that is really important to me. I don't like people that can't be themself, change their viewpoint and story with every other person. I am me and just me. Me again. And if anybody cares that I like a good gossip, well, it is not his or her business. I like to talk, I like to discuss my viewpoints, I love to discuss other people. I like to discuss myself and I don't mind to be the gossip. I like people open and I am an open book myself. Ask me and I will tell. Which doesn't mean I can't keep a secret. I am full of secrets. My secrets and the secrets of others.

Helping out, being there, caring for other people is something I can't live without. Listening is one of my strong suits and it is something I value and expect in others. Not in the people I work with, not necessarily, also it is a nice thing if offered. However at work, I am the one to listen, to care, to be there, to help out. In my private life I want it to be equal. If it's not equal it annoys me, I feel used. They use me at work and it is fine, because I get paid, but I don't want to be used in my private life. I want my partner and me to be on the same level. To both give and take. To contribute and receive.

I like to talk and discuss feelings and also I can't summarize it as a core value, it is important for me to have a surrounding where I can tell how I feel, where emotions are important. Vice versa I like to know how other people are feeling and not just in a superficial "how are you doing" way. I like to know and I like to understand! And if it means to have a lengthy discussion. Bring it on!

And thinking, just thinking about core values actually makes me see more clearly why I am feeling stuck in my relationship and why I haven't been happy for quite a while.

He is honest and will tell me that he smoked a hundred cigarettes and that he drank a lot, also I don't want to hear it. Because, here comes another core value: I like people that take care of themself.

Except with me, he is not genuine and true, but like a leave in the wind. He will change his opinion a hundred times just to fit in. Therefore he has a hundred friends, that in my opinion are no real friends at all. They don't know him the way I do and sometimes it is difficult. Sometimes I slip in the role of the bad guy, just so he doesn't has to.

He uses me and it feels like I am always giving. I asked him to buy a dishwasher several times because I hate doing the dishes and he never invested the money in his place. Now I am in Australia and he thinks about buying a damn dishwasher? Seriously?
And that is just one really superficial example.

He hates to talk about feelings. Sometimes I am not sure if he evens knows what feelings are? Except for the obligatory "I love you" at the end of a phone call, there is not much. So I am sometimes rude and hurtfull, just to get a reaction. How sick is that? In rare cases it works and I get an outburst, most of the time it doesn't. Which leads me to another core value: Does he really listen?

To be continued, I guess.


01:33 21.12.2015
Sieht irgendwie nicht wirklich gut aus für ihn Auch wenn Du andererseits Deine Liebe beteuerst. Klar hat jeder seine Pros und Cons - was wirklich überwiegt, wird sich wohl erst später herausstellen. Sofern die Cons aber nicht vonvornherein und deutlich überwiegen, lohnt sich das Testen durchaus. Auch eine Heirat ist nichts für die Ewigkeit, wobei das Thema Family natürlich erst mal für später eingeplant werden sollte - alleinerziehend ist wohl nie die wirkliche Erfüllung
Und eine Geschirrspülmaschine sollte natürlich immer sofort ins Haus
Good luck!
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2015-12-19 12:29