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2004-07-03 14:07
the taoistic approach
The West has followed the Epicurean tradition -- eat, drink, be merry. Now people are fed up, really fed up; nothing seems to satisfy. The superficial cannot satisfy long. One day or other it is exposed; you come to know that it is not much and it is a repetition. The West is fed up with the Epicurean ideology, the ideology that says, "Just enjoy. There is no need to seek and search."
And the East is fed up with the opposite ideology, the other polarity that says, "Don't enjoy," that says, "'Eat, drink, be merry' is the ideology of the sinners. Wear long faces, be ascetics, mahatmas. Do yoga. Fast. Destroy the body and the senses. And be seriously after God: the only thing that is worth achieving is God-realization; everything else has to be sacrificed."
The East is fed up, tired. The West is fed up and tired. It is natural because both have chosen one aspect. Tao is all the aspects together. Tao means totality.
Taoism is Epicurus plus Buddha. Be as Epicurean as possible, and be a meditator, a seeker, as authentic as possible. And I don't see that there is any conflict. There is no conflict in meditation and love. In fact, the more you meditate, the more you become capable of love; the more you love, the more you become capable of meditation.
And there is no conflict between being a fool and being wise. If you can have both, that is the best. And don't settle for one; otherwise one day you will repent. The missing one will take its revenge, and with vengeance.


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2004-07-03 14:07