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2004-07-02 23:20
Tao and attainment
Tao does not believe that you have to attain anything or that you CAN attain anything. You are already that which you can be: nothing more can be attained. The very idea of attainment, of achievement is alien to the Taoist approach. There is nothing to attain, nothing to achieve. The idea of attainment and achievement is rooted in our egos. The ego is always ambitious; it can't be otherwise. Either it has to attain worldly things or it has to attain other-worldly powers, SIDDHIS, but something has to be attained. The ego lives by attaining.
And Tao says the ego has to be dissolved, you cannot be allowed to be ambitious -- to be ambitious is to go against Tao. Tao teaches non-ambitiousness. You have just to be yourself as you are. You are already perfect; you have never left your perfection for a single moment. You are already in Tao; it is just that you have started dreaming that you have lost it, that you have gone far away.
It is just like as in your sleep you remain in your room, in your bed, but you can dream of faraway places. You can visit the moon and Mars, you can go to the stars, but in the morning you will find you have not left your bed, not even for a single moment.
When one becomes conscious one becomes aware of the whole ridiculousness of all the achievements and failures. It is the idea of achievement that brings failure, frustration in its wake. If you succeed it brings ego. Ego is misery because the more ego you have the more you think that you are separate from the whole, that you have become somebody special, unique, superior, higher, holier, that you don't belong to the ordinary world, that you are a saint, a mahatma. If you fail, then there is frustration; that brings pain, that brings anguish. Whatsoever happens, success or failure, you will suffer. Ego brings suffering; whether it succeeds or fails makes no difference. Hence with the Taoist approach this idea of attainment is totally wrong -- remember it.


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2004-07-02 23:20