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2004-11-01 03:51
Happy Halloween
It was the right decision to go out tonight... - together - no matter what had happen yesterday or today...!
We actually had a lot of fun ... - we went to a Halloween party.. - honestly, it was a gay one... - of course we just went there because of W.., but it was quite alright and actually both of us are already used to that ...!
But, whatever, it was also a step back to the past...
It had happen so fast, just in a sudden, and I almost didn't notice, but ...
- a few days ago, Ch. told me, that he doesn't want to be in any contact anymore... coz, in his opinion, they are completely living in their "own world"... - and actually, he's absolutely right...! I didn't see W... and also U... for a few weeks and suddenly... I had a different point of view...
But just one evening, just one evening in this new "team combination" of Her, W.. and myself... - and again, I'm completely involved in their up and down...!

But, honestly, I even don't know, if I'm glad about it, or not... coz to be in involved means, that the distance between her and me has gone, but ... - to be involved also means, that I also have to concentrate on other things (W.. feelings for her..., and Her feelings for him...) and not only on my feelings for her...!

Tonight, there were some perfect situations in which I could have asked her about that "dressing thing", but ...
- honestly, I think I was just to scared to make her mad again and I really didn't want to have an arguement or a discussion because of it! And she also didn't say anything... so, probably, I should just forget about it...!

But there was also a situation, which was kinda ridicolous... - coz they talked about W.. boyfriend and that he's so... "extrem" in some way... coz W... got to know, that he's writing a journal in which he notes down, when he had met him and how often he had wrote a message and how often he's waiting for him...
and than she actually asked me: "Oh my god, that's so ridicolous... ! You don't have any journal.. do you?!" And I was just like: "....Well..."
I really didn't know what to say, but I finally told her the truth... well, of course not the "truth"..., I was just like: "Well, honestly, yes... I also have one...!"
- But, unfortunately, she was just kinda ... shocked..! Well, now I guess, she'll never get to know the truth... "my truth"!!




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2004-11-01 03:51