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2018-04-28 13:09
cell phone jammer wifi blocker use by prison

In many prisons all over the world, and the use of jammers: criminals usually use many methods to mobile phone or other communication tools into the prison, the prison management may cause many problems.

In recent years, the Australian communication authority will be successfully in Leeds's factory, after testing the technology in new south wales prison cell phone scrambling experience extends to gul the correctional complex.

In September 2013, ACMA began to take measures to restrict the use of cell phone jammer by prisoners in Lithgow prison for illegal use of mobile phones. The phone jammer blocks mobile signals from specific peripheral areas.
The interference block transcends the mobile network by transmitting radio frequency signals at the same frequency used in the network, thereby preventing the mobile phone from receiving signals from the mobile base station.

We all know that transportation and inspection are important steps in managing orders. For example, for mobile phone interference, you must first check whether the signal interference of the mobile phone can work properly, and prevent the interference signal from the phone, and then check all the accessories in the packing box. Before packaging the product, make sure all accessories are included in the package and then packaged and shipped to the customer. Some people may think that such a step may be a waste of time, but it is really necessary to need it, and you will understand why.

Common sense is that when your phone consumes less power, you have to charge for it. For most electronic products, the battery is an indispensable component, and the jamming device is no exception. As a new product and a hot product, interference devices can be divided into mobile phone signal interference, GPS interference, WiFi/bluetooth interference, etc. Cell phone signal jammers are widely used products, so today's topic is mainly for cell phone signal interference battery.

First of all, if you're outside using your wifi jammer, the power interference is very small, and it will continue to issue low power alerts. What can you do? Even if you already have your charger, you don't have to look for power and plugs. The rechargeable battery you can use will help you.

For example, some signal jammers are equipped with car charger, to allow its use in the car, and once the sender forget put it or, when the test signal blocking, as long as you will forget, it is really a problem, affect the buyer has received the it when using intercept the signal, but if you check the list before they go out, can still find the problem and take action to avoid it soon. If you measure and check lists of these problems, you can also prevent the signal blocking antenna from becoming an important part.



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2018-04-28 13:09